The South Carolina Secessionist
Dateline Week of May 2nd

News from the Front


The first session of the Congress of the Confederate States of America convened in Montgomery, Alabama this past week. Companies which have formed at Camp Butler and other areas around the state are now making their way to Virginia. The governor has requested that additional men be stationed in Charleston and all along the coast to aid in protection of the state from invasion. Pvt. Benjamin F. Crawford enlisted in Company A 5th Inf. at Corinth, Mississippi by Capt. Taylor. (He had been previously assigned to another regiment). Four companies of the 2nd (Palemtto) Regiment have volunteered for service in Virginia and left for Camp Davis, Virginia via railroad on 24 APR 1861. These companies are under the command of Captains W. H. Casson and William Wallace of Columbia, John D. Kennedy of Camden, and John S. Richardson, Jr. of Sumter. Many of the men have horses with them and Col. Joseph Brevard Kershaw took 4 of his finest, 1 bay, 1 sorrel, 1 black, and a black mare valued at $675.00. T. W. Salmond was commissioned as Surgeon for the 2nd Regiment, and his commission transferred to the Confederate service. Henry Junius Nott was likewise commissioned as Assistant Surgeon.


There was an engagement at Pineberry Battery, SC on the 29th. No casualties were reported from the recent skirmish at Murray's Inlet, but matters remain tense there with a number of Federal troops seen in the area. The siege of Yorktown continues. Members of the 5th Infantry in Virginia report that preparations are being made for movement of the regiment to a new location which has not yet been revealed. 4th Sergeant J. B. Dubose of the 2nd Regiment was discharged on 1 MAY 1862 because of ill health and should be returning home this week. D. H. Pritchard, the regimental drummer for the 2nd has been transferred effective 1 MAY 1862 to Company A, Phillips's Georgia Legion. Thomas R. Grogan, Company B, 2nd (Palmetto) Regiment is at the Manchester, Virginia hospital, sick. Tappan C. Killborn has been granted a leave of abscence. Patrick Kirkland has returned to duty from the hospital in Richmond. Henry C. Markley was detailed to duty at the Post Office. John Markley is absent with leave in Macon, Georgia suffering from the measles. James H. Rice is absent, sick, in the Manchester Hospital at Richmond, VA. On a brighter note, Alex Whisnant has been assigned as regimental musician.


All was quiet this week around the state, as was news from the front. Many men are returning to the front following furloughs home to help with the spring planting.


All was quiet this week around the state. We have received an extensive report from the 2nd (Palmetto) Regiment in Virginia:

Pvt. E. C. McTureous was promoted to 3rd Sergeant on 30 APR 1864 and Pvt. J. E. Gilbert was promoted to 4th Sergeant. Jesse T. Brown of Company A, who had been listed as taken prisoner in Pennsylvania is a prisoner at Point Lookout, Maryland. B. F. Bryant of Company A, who was wounded at Chickamauga, remains in the hospital. J. F. Bryant of the same company has been transferred to the brigade quartermaster department. Pvt. L. Burns of Company A has returned to duty following an extended illness, but George Andre' of the same company remains in the hospital, sick where he has been for well over a year now. J. L. Baker who has lingered sick since 10 OCT 1862 recently passed away. Pacshal D. Huff of Company B is on furlough in Greenville, recuiting additional men. Phillip Huff has been taken prisoner of war. Saxby W. Miller remains a prisoner of War since being captured in Falling Water, Maryland on 31 AUG 1863.


Troops continue to stream south into South Carolina following the release of Lee's Army at Appomattox. Gen. Johnston signed an agreement with Gen. Sherman on 26 APR and men are being paroled at Greensboro, North Carolina today (2 MAY 1865). Here is a copy of the agreement:

Greensboro, North Carolina
May 2d, 1865

In accordance with a Military Convention, entered into on the 26th day of April 1865, between General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding Confederate Army, and Major General W. T. Sherman, commanding United States Army in North Carolina, the officers and men whose names are borne upon this roll have given their solemn obligation not to take up arms against the Government of the United States until properly released from this obligation: and they are permitted to return to their homes, not to be disturbed by the United States authorities, so long as they observe this obligation, and obey the laws in force where they may reside.

J. L. Dew
Capt. & P. M. U. S. A.
Special Commissioner

Thos. W. Gary, C. S. A.
Capt. Commanding Co. A.
3rd Regiment, S. C. V.

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The Civil War in South Carolina