Organized | APR 1862 |
Number of men enrolled | 188 |
The muster roll of December 31, 1862, contains the following "Record of Events":
Since the last Muster the co has marched from Culpepper C H Va, to this place, a distance of 42 miles. This company was in readiness to participate in the Battle of Fredericksburg but was not called into action. There was no Casualty whatever in the co although it was [word or two obliterated] to the shelling of the enemy
William Choice Jr
Capt Co K 5 S C. Vols
The following "Record of Events" is given on the muster roll of February 28, 1863:
on or about the 15th Feb 63 this company left Fredericksburg va and marched to Richmond & through the city & to this place where we are bivouaced for the present
William Choice jr
Capt Co K
The following "Record of Events" is given on the muster roll of June 30, 1863:
This company has not been engaged for the last two months but has been in line of battle a time or two & has done much marching & other camp duties
J. T. Brian
Lieut Comd'g (K) 5th S, C, V
The following "Record of Events" is given on the muster roll of August 31, 1863:
Since the last muster this Company has not been in any engagement but has been in camp around Richmond & Petersburg
William Choice Jr.
Capt Comdg Co K 5 S C V
The following "Record of Events" is given on the muster roll of August 31, 1864:
Since the last muster this company has done much duty. It remained in the trenches till the 29th June when it went to the north side of the James to open Deep Bottom. It occupied the lone line till the 16th Aug, when the enemy presing taken a portion of our works sixteen men under Lt McDowelI (the company being there on picket) went with the Regt to drive them out. They succeeded, this company losing four (4) slightly wounded
William Choice Jr
Comg Co K 5 S C Vols
The following "Record of Events" is given on the muster roll of October 31, 1864:
Since the last muster this Co left Petersburg and come over to the north side of the James. It was in the charge on Battery Harrison 30 Sept having six men wounded, It was in the fight on the Darbytown Road on the seventh Oct having one man wounded. It was engaged to, some extent on the 13th, Oct and on the 27th, Oct capturing in the last four (4) prisoners but losing none in either of the actions It is Dow in the trenches near the Williamsburg Road,
William Choice
Capt. Commdg Co, K 5 S C Regt
The following "Record of Events" is given on the muster roll of December 31, 1864:
Since the last muster this Co has remained in Camp on the line near the Williamsburg road. accept when on the following duties On the 10th--Dec, it went with Fields Division on a reconnoisance to new Market Height, but was not engaged with the Enemy It returned to Camps that night--having suffered greatly from the intense cold weather, It went with the Brigade also on the 22 Dec to Gordonsville on the to meet a raiding party of the Enemy Cavalry, It arrived at Gordonsville Just in the nick of time, and found the Enemy hard pressing our cavalry within two miles of the town, ascertaining our arrival the Enemy retreated immediately without further fighting and this Company returned to its old position on the 25th Dec suffering greatly from the Cold, I find much difficulty in placing nesissary remarks on these rolls on account of the Want of Space
William Choice
The following "Record of Events" is given on the muster roll of February 28, 1865:
Since the last muster this Company remained in camp near the Williamsburg road, untill 27 Feby, when it with the Brigade moved to a new position on the line near Fort Gilmer, It has not been engaged with the Enemy since the last muster or lost any men from disease,
J, H, McDowell
Lt Comdg Co, "K" 5. S. C. V. I.
REF: South Carolina Troops in Confederate
Service, Vol. III
Salley, A. S. The State Co., Columbia, SC 1930
EMAIL from great great grandson of Capt. Seay, Scott Wilkins