In response to a call from President Davis, about the 1st of July, 1861,
a large number of infantry companies, from all quarters of South Carolina,
rendevoused at Columbia, South Carolina. Here they were placed in a
camp of instruction, at Lightwoodknot Springs, about five miles from
Columbia, and allowed to arrange themselves in regiments of ten
companies and elect field-officers. The second regiment so formed was
numbered as the Thirteenth South Carolina volunteers, and elected the
following officers;
Edwards, O. E., Colonel
Calhoun, P. L., Colonel
Farrow, T. Stobo, Major
After a period of about three months' instruction at Lightwoodknot Springs,
it was ordered to the southern coast of South Carolina, it was ordered
to the southern coast of South Carolina, near Pocotaligo, where it was
brigaded with the Twelfth and Fourteenth regiments, as before stated.