Timeline of Events

January 8, 1861
The Charleston Mercury

We publish below the resolutions passed by the South Carolina Convention, recommending to her sister States of the South the assemblage of a Convention to form a Constitution for a Southern Confederacy. There were two projects submitted to the Convention, looking to this end. The one reported by the Committee on the Southern States; the other was submitted by Mr. RHETT, and proposed the assemblage of a Convention of the Southern States to form a Permanent Government. The Convention of South Carolina seem, in some sort, to have combined both of these schemes. By the resolutions adopted, it recommends and provides for a Convention of the Seceding States, and determines that it shall form a Constitution for a Permanent Government and Confederacy - and at the same time, it authorizes the establishment of a Provisional Government by this Convention, until the terms of the Permanent Government of a Southern Confederacy may be agreed on. In view of the threatening aspect of our 'Northern brethren,' it was supposed that the speedy organization of some sort of government by the seceding States, might be necessary to repel aggressions. Hence the authority to establish a Provisional Government. Of course, the whole matter will be for the determination of the Convention of the seceding States, when assembled. The seceding States are fully competent to all the ordinary requirements of government. Life and property are safe under their administration. A few weeks, more or less, is of no consequence in forming the terms of their Confederation. But if there is imminent danger of aggressions from the North - if war exists - it may be necessary that an immediate Provisional Government should be organized. By the time the Convention assembles, the attitude of the two sections of the Union towards each other will be clear enough, and the Convention will be able to pursue that course which circumstances will then require. The probability is, that the Northern people and statesmen will see the desperate folly of attempting the coercion of the Southern States; and that the Convention can proceed without haste, calmly and thoroughly, to lay the foundation of a Southern Confederacy, which will last for ages to come.


Resolved, First. That this Convention do appoint a Commissioner to proceed to each of the slaveholding States that may assemble in Convention, for the purpose of laying our Ordinance of Secession before the same, and respectfully inviting their cooperation in the formation with us of a Southern Confederacy.

Second. That our Commissioners aforesaid be further authorized to submit, on our part, the Federal Constitution as the basis of a Provisional Government for such States as shall have withdrawn their connection with the Government of the United States of America; Provided, That the said Provisional Government, and the tenures of all officers and appointments arising under it, shall cease and determine in two years from the 1st day of July next, or when a Permanent Government shall have been organized.

Third. That the said Government he authorized to invite the seceding States to meet in Convention, at such time and place as may be agreed upon, for the purpose of forming and putting in motion such Provisional Government, and so that the said Provisional Government shall be organized and go into effect at the earliest period previous to the 4th of March, 1861; and that the same Convention of seceding States shall provide forthwith to consider and propose a Constitution and plan for a permanent Government for such States, which proposed plan shall be referred back to the several State Conventions for their adoption or rejection.

Fourth. That eight Deputies shall be elected by ballot by this Convention, who shall be authorized to meet in Convention such Deputies as may be appointed by the other slaveholding States who may secede from the Federal Union, for the purpose of carrying into effect the foregoing resolutions; and that it be recommended to the said States that each State be entitled to one vote in the said Convention upon all questions which may be voted upon therein; and that each State send as many Deputies as are equal in number to the number of Senators and Representatives to which it was entitled in the Congress of the United States.


The following are the Deputies elected to represent South Carolina in the proposed Convention:

Hon. R.B. RHETT.
Hon. W.P. MILES.
Hon. L.M. KEITT.
Hon. W.W. BOYCE.
REF: The Charleston Mercury 08 JAN 1861.

The Civil War in South Carolina