The Civil War in South Carolina

The Brazilian Migration

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The Edgefield Southern Colonization Society

The Southern Colonization Society with Hqs at Edgefield Court House, SC. Thought to have been in existence as early as Sep 1865.


Pres, Maj Joseph Abney
Vice Pres, Col D.L. Shaw - from Aiken, SC
Secty, Col A.P. Butler
Corres Secty, Maj John E. Bacon
Treas, Thomas B. Reese


Dr. Hugh A, Shaw
Maj Isaac Boles
Mr. B.C. Bryan
Mr. William M. Williams
Mr. T.B. Reese
Mr. Harrison S. Strom
Dr. T.J. Teague
John L. Nicholson
William F. Durisoe
Benjamin F. Mays
Henry G. Arthur
D.F. McEwin
Thomas J. Davis
S.J.M. Clark
Capt Tillman Watson, Jr
W.J. Gardner
Charles Glover
John Sentell, Esq
Capt W.H. Brunson
Dr. W.D. Jennings
Mr. G.W. Morgan
John R. Carwile
Maj Robert Meriwether.

It is not recorded as to which members actually removed to Brazil. It is known that Maj Meriwether and Dr. Shaw were sent to Brazil by the organization in Aug 1865, to report about conditions on their return. While there they met Dr. J. McF. Gaston of SC and Frank M. Mullen and William Bowen of Tex who were on similar missions. Rev Ballard S. Dunn of New Orleans was also there, as was Charles Gunter of Montgomery.

Ref: Ala Historical Quarterly, Vol 1, No 2, Summer Issue/Vol 1, No 3, Summer Issue, both 1930.
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