John C. Townsend, son of Rev'd S. J. Townsend, was buried in Col'a. So. Ca. Aug. 19, 1864. He was killed by a shell from a Yankee Gunboat, at Deep Bottom in Virgnia, about the 5th day of August. This mysterious Providence (he having been killed by an estray or random shot, not in a skirmish or a battle) is another afflictive bereavement, in which this community is called upon for sympathy to reveared relatives and friends. This young man was promising in every sense of the word, was dear to his fond parents, and a treasure and exemplary companion to his young associates. He is cut down however in the morning of life, removed from his sphere of usefulness in this community, and numbered with the many, very many, dear youths, who have been sacrifices in this blighting and cruel war. May God console his afflicted parents, and his sorrowing friends.