Hagood, Johnson. Memoirs of the War of Secession, From the
Original Manuscripts of Johnson
Hagood, Brigadier-General, C.S.A. Paris, TN: Guild Bindery
Pr, 1989. 496 p. E577.4H3H34.1989.
Reprint of 1910 ed.
Izlar, William V. A Sketch of the War Record of the Edisto
Rifles: l86l-l865. Columbia, SC: State
Co, 1914. 168 p. E577.5.25th.I94.1914.
Jones, Iredall. "Letters from Fort Sumter." SHSP
12 (1884): pp. 5-78, 137-39, 160-62, 212-15,
CD-ROM available.
253, 258 & 543-46 (15 photocopied pages). E483.7S76v12.
McBryde, John L. "An Eyewitness to History." CWTI
2 (Jan 1964): pp. 37-41 (5 photocopied
pages). Per.
Mixon, Frank M. Reminiscences of a Private. Columbia,
SC: State Co, 1910. 130 p.
Pressley, John G. "The Wee Nee Volunteers of Williamsburg
District, South Carolina, in the First
(Hagood's) Regiment." SHSP 16 (1888): pp. 116-94
(39 photocopied pages). E483.7S76v16.
CD-ROM available.
Sifakis, Stewart. Compendium of the Confederate Armies: South
Carolina.... NY: Facts on File,
1995. pp. 51-53 (3 photocopied pages). E577S53.1995. (Unit
organizational history).