Confederate Military History, Extended Edition. Vol. 6:
South Carolina. Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot, 1987. 931 p. E484C65.1987v6. Contains numerous, scattered references to South Carolina units. CD-ROM available.
Elmore, Albert R. "Incidents of Service with the Charleston Light Dragoons." Confederate Veteran (1916): pp. 538-43 (6 photocopied pages). Per.
Halliburton, Lloyd. Saddle Soldiers: The Civil War Correspondence of General William Stokes of the 4th South Carolina Cavalry. Orangeburg, SC: Sandlapper Pub Co, 1993. 265 p. E467.1S868A4.1993.
Sifakis, Stewart. Compendium of the Confederate Armies: South Carolina.... NY: Facts on File, 1995. pp. 42-43 (2 photocopied pages). E577S53.1995. (Unit organizational history).
Swank, Walbrook D. Confederate Letters and Diaries, l86l-l865. Charlottesville, VA: Papercraft, 1988. E605C66.1988. See pp. 141-50 (6 photocopied pages) for letters of Allen Edens.
Wells, Edward L. A Sketch of the Charleston Light Dragoons From the Earliest Formation of the Corps." This book traces the steps of the "Drags" through the Civil War from its organization in the spring of 1862 to the surrender at Bentonville, NC. The book was originally written by Edward L. Wells, historian for the unit in 1888 and reprinted in 1997. The book is available for $25 from Eastern Digital Resources, PO Box 1451, Clearwater, SC 29822-1451. A CD-ROM is also available. Email