The Civil War in North Carolina

Reminiscences and Memoirs of North Carolina and Eminent North Carolinians

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of his left eye. The remaining eye was an expressive mild blue."

        He was a brother, or near kinsman of Judge Edamus Burke, of South Carolina, equally eccentric, and like Edamus Burke full of genius, fun and frolic, of whom many anecdotes are still remembered.

        Col. William Shepperd, of Long Meadows, (his ancestral home, near Hillsboro, N. C.,) was a conspicuous member of the State Senate; he was an officer of the North Carolina line during the revolution of 1776--a terror to "The Tories."

        Many are the legends of his prowess, which enlivens the blazing pine knots of "the Old North State," but sweeter far are the memories of his benevolence.

        Let one instance for each characteristic suffice for this sketch. One to show that "bread cast upon the waters will return after many days," and the other to remind a wavering patriotism and hesitating honesty of that great self-sacrifice and stern devotion to principle, which were the secrets of the success of our patriotic grandfathers, and which not only were rewarded, but will descend in mantles of glory to the third and fourth generation! Colonel Shepperd had married Miss Elizabeth Haywood, sister of Judge Haywood, of North Carolina, then removed to Tennessee. Her sister married a lawyer named Captain William Bell, clarum et venerabile nomen. He died, leaving a lovely family without support, and although Colonel Shepperd's family was numerous, yet he adopted the orphaned family as his own. They are since known to history, as Captain William H. Bell, of the United States Army; Admiral Henry H. Bell, U. S. N.; Captain John Bell, U. S. N.; a daughter married to Mr. McNair, of Edgecombe County; a daughter Elizabeth J., who married Thomas Ashe, grandson of Gov. Ashe, the youngest brother of Paoli Ashe, and another married to Dr. Howell, of West Tennessee; another Miss Haywood, a sister of Mrs. Col. Shepperd, married Mr. Johnstone, of North Carolina, and moved to Tennessee; another married Mr. Duffie, an eminent lawyer of North Carolina, and after his death Dr. Buchanan, of St. Stephens, Ala.; and after his death Mr. Adlai Osborne; she left one son, Egbert. Judge Jas. Osborne, the distinguished judge, was a son of Adlai Osborne by his first wife, Miss Walker, of Wilmington. A sister of Col. Wm. Shepperd--Martha--married Major Wm. F. Strudwick, of Hillsboro, a member of Congress. She left Sam Strudwick, of Alabama; Dr. Edward Strudwick, of Hillsboro, and Eliza, who marraied Paoli Ashe, (grandson of Gov. Sam Ashe) formerly of New Hanover, afterward removed to Alabama; and Martha married to Col. Elisha Young; and Margaret, a famous beauty, wife of Egbert Osborne. Captain William Bell (the protege of Col. Shepperd,) whilst a young lieutenant in the army, invented a contrivance for turning round heavy ordance with great rapidity; for this invention, under a "relief bill," the Government appropriated to him the sum of $25,000, which money he invested in the growing city of St. Louis, Missouri, and so became immensely wealthy. When about to die, immediately after the close of our civil war, Captain Bell added a codicil to his will, January 11, 1866, distributing one-eighth of his magnificent fortune, in the following significant words: "To the descendants of my benefactor, William Shepperd, of Orange County, North Carolina."

        The other incident is a legend of bloody war during the revolution. R. C. in the "Farmer and Mechanic" most graphically writes as follows of Col. Wm. Shepperd:

        He was very short, spare built man, of plain insignificant appearance, and the farther disadvantages of a very thin, piping voice, with one eye; no one in search of a hero would have
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