Mississippi 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment

Historical Notes:
The Mississippi 2nd U.S. Infantry Regiment was organized at Warrenton, Miss., May 19, 1863. Its designation was changed to the 53nd U.S. Colored Troops March 11, 1864. Assignments:
Attached to African Brigade, District of Northeast Louisiana, to July, 1863. Post Goodrich Landing, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to January, 1864. 1st Brigade, U.S. Colored Troops, District of Vicksburg, Miss., to March, 1864. Service:
Duty at Milliken's Bend and Goodrich Landing until March, 1864. Haines' Bluff February 3, 1864. Rosters:
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1406 men. Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research