Listed among the 24 companies organized and sent to the Field from
Augusta and vicinity during the Civil War was "Clinch Rifles", 94
men. A total of at least 30 companies were raised in Richmond
County during the four Years of he war - no less than 2,000 men.
Of these, 292 were killed or died in service.
Platt, Charles A. - Captain
Ansley, David Henry - 1st Lieut.
Adam, Jacob W. - 2d Lieut
Day, Charles B. - Jr. 2d Lieut.
Rowland, Samuel H. - 1st Sgt.
Adam, George - 2d. Sgt.
McGregor, Malcolm T. - 3d Sgt.
Holland, Gilbert G. - 4th Sgt.
Bones, Thomas M. - 1st Cpl.
Tutt, Daniel William - 2d Cpl.
Brown, Sumner W. - 3d Cpl.
Bones, John Samuel - 4th Cpl.
Whiting, Herman G. - Musician
Clark - Amos K. - Musician
Parkyn, Hugh H. - Musician
Adams, George M.
Adams, Josehp H.
Allen, Redmon
Almond, Thomas S.
Almond, William A.
Archer, John
Avary, William M.
Barrett, James
Black, Olen D.
Blanchard, Leonidas M.
Boutel, Albert M.
Brown, Jacob Kirby
Buchanan, James
Burum, Peter G.
Carter, Melbourn
Castleberry, David T.
Chambless, James H.
Chance, W. D.
Chastain, J. M.
Chastain, Thomas A.
Chew, William H.
Chupp, J. H.
Clemence, Cornelius
Cook, Frederick
Cook, George F.
Cormick, John W.
Cormick, Louis A.
Crane, Frederick E.
Crane, William H. Jr.
Crocker, Joseph E.
Cumming, Harford Miles
Cumming, Joseph B.
Damish, John H.
Davis, William R.
DeLane, William
Dill, James S.
Dugas, Alexander E.
Dugas, Juriah H.
Eddings, William E.
Fleming, Robert H.
Fleming, Thomas F.
Ford, Edward L.
Ford, Fransic G.
Ford, Thodosius B.
Foster, James H.
Francis, Albert K.
Freemna, Hennry M.
Freeman, Thomas J.
Freeman, William J.
Gairdner, George C.
Gairdner, Henry K.
Gordon, James N.
Gould, Henry C.
Greer, John
Guion, John A.
Gurley, W. H. W.
Hambrick, J. W.
Harris, John S.
Harris, Thomas J.
Hatch, Albert J.
Hatcher, Edward J.
Hawley, Samuel B.
Hiller, William J.
Holt, Alfred C.
Hold, Benjamin R.
Hopkins, Thomas N.
House, Samuel
Huckabay, James G.
Jacob, William M.
Jennings, Francis A. B.
Johnson, William G.
Fones, Donald Bruce
Jones, George T.
Jones, John William
Kedrick, Francis D.
King, Peter Crawford
King, William P.
Kirksey, Robert E.
Lawhorn, William A.
Lawson, Thomas Fuller
Lehman, Albert
Leslie, E. D.
Levy, Jacob R.
Lindell, George T.
Livingston, John F.
Long, John M.
Loudon. Robert James
Leyden. Michael
Macmurphy, Charles A.
Marshall, Joseph E.
Mathewson, Robert F.
Mead, DeWitt C.
Mealing, Henry L.
Miller, John J.
Milligan, Lewis
Milner, Willis J. Jr.
Mimms, Elliott E.
Mims, Casper Neil
Moore, James W.
Morgan, John E.
Morgan, Thomas W.
Morris, Preston J.
Myers, Herbert P.
McCoy, Charles D.
McCoy, William E.
Neely, John Jr.
Nelson, Matthew F.
Nickerson, G. W.
Norris, William W.
O'Farrell, Fergus
Pace, John C.
Quick, George
Raymur, William A.
Redding, John Myrick
Redding, Jordan T.
Rice, Newton
Robert, Augustus Marion
Roberts, Joseph C.
Roberts, Napoleon B.
Rogers, Samuel T.
Ruckley, S. F.
Russell, Thomas
Segur, Hampden Story
Sewell, Isaac H.
Shain, James T.
Shields, William S.
Sibley, Henry J.
Smith, Lovett A.
Smith, William H.
Spell, Joseph W.
Stanford, William J.
Staples, Charles E.
Steed, William P.
Stuart, Andrew Augustus
Thornton, Jesse
Trappe, Syndenham B.
Waits, William P.
Walden, T. D.
Waldrup, George W.
Wall, C. R.
Wallace, William
Walton, George D.
Walton, Henry M.
Walton, William R.
Warner, Charles H.
Webb, J. B.
Whitehead, Amos G. Jr.
Winn, N. B.
Woody, James
Younge, Henry Jr.
REF: History Augusta Arsenal, Augusta, GA No Date, typed manuscript
Augusta State University Special Collections, Reece Library,
Augusta, GA.
Henderson - Roster of Confederate Soldiers of Georgia
The Civil War in Georgia © - 1998 Eastern Digital Resources