Historical Sketch and Roster Volumes

The books in this series contain information for researching the men who served in a particular unit. Most of the books average 200 - 300 pages in length.


    List of Officers with biographical sketches
    List of companies and the counties where they were formed
    Officers of each company
    Military assignments
    Battles engaged in the war
    Historical sketch of the regiment's service
    Rosters of each company
    Bibliography of sources

Historical Sketch and Roster Volumes

SAMPLE Georgia VOLUME - Georgia 36th Infantry Regiment

BONUS: The DVD now contains the images from the Unit's Compiled Service Records at the National Archives. Save $5 when you purchase the book and DVD together.
Click to enlarge.

Ebook - $9.79
Hardback - $50.00
Paperback - $30.00 (Selected larger volumes are more expensive.)
DVD - $15.00 (Includes images of the Compiled Service Records from the National Archives.)
PB/DVD COMBO - $40.00
Publisher: Eastern Digital Resources

Available volumes by state


Alabama Arkansas Florida
Georgia Kentucky Louisiana
Maryland Mississippi Missouri
North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee
Texas Virginia Conf. Units

Alabama Arkansas California
Colorado Connecticut Delaware
District of Columbia Illinois Indiana
Iowa Kansas Kentucky
Louisiana Maine Maryland
Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
Nebraska Nevada New Jersey
New Hampshire New York Ohio
Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island
Tennessee Vermont West Virginia

Many of our books are now available in E-Book format. These will be delivered to you via EMAIL as an Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) file. You can save over $20 from the cost of the book, you'll save the $6 shipping charge and you'll get the book MUCH SOONER - generally in a matter of minutes.
