For Additional Research
Alabama Civil War Soldiers Service Records
National Archives
Currently Unavailable
![Brief Historical Sketches of Military Organizations Raised in Alabama During the Civil War](
Brewer, Willis
346 pgs.
PAPERBACK - $60.00
PAPERBACK - $40.00
DVD - $15.00
EBOOK - $15.00
![A Guide to Alabama Civil War Research](
A Guide to Alabama Civil War Research
Rigdon, John C.
256 pgs.
HARDBACK - $40.00
PAPERBACK - $20.00
DVD - $15.00
EBOOK - $15.00
Alabama Civil War Soldiers Index
John C. Rigdon, Editor
241,800 names
2 Vols.
HARDBACK A-K Surnames - $70.00
HARDBACK L-Z Surnames - $70.00
PAPERBACK A-K Surnames - $50.00
PAPERBACK L-Z Surnames - $50.00
DVD - $15.00
EBOOK - $15.00