
The railroad line between Charleston and Augusta was vital to the Confederacy for communication and transportation. For four years, this railroad, which ran through Aiken, had transported troops from various states to numerous battlefields. Longstreet's Corps had passed along the route to Chickamauga in 1863. Kilpatrick destroyed the track and several cars left at the Blackville station. Kilpatrick sent the following message the next morning to Sherman:

"Headquarters Cavalry Command
Blackville, Feb. 8, 1865
Major-General Sherman:
General: I will encamp tonight at Williston and destroy some track; February 9 at or before Windsor, and the following day make demonstrations toward Augusta. Will, if prudent, destroy Government property at Aiken, and as much railroad as possible and return to Windsor. I will be prudent, bold, but not rash.
Very respectfully,
J. Kilpatrick
Brevet Major-General"


Rigdon, John C. The Battle for the Salkehatchie