
On August 30th, there were 634 shots and shells fired at Fort Sumter; 322 struck outside, 168 struck inside, and 144 missed. Privates Woolright and Ward, of the Twenty Eighth Georgia, were casualties of the shelling; there was also considerable damage to the interior structure of the fort, during this bombardment.

On November 3rd, there were 140 15 inch, and 6 and half inch shells fired by monitors, all of which struck the fort. Batteries on Morris Island fired 250 rifled shots, of which 55 missed, and 345 mortar shells, 135 of which missed. During the night, 87 rifled shots were fired, of which 36 missed, 5 mortars were fired, all of which fell in the fort. Two officers and 40 men of the Twenty Eighth Georgia relieved part of the garrison on the 3rd.

Captain Adams and men of the Twenty Eighth Georgia, relieved the garrison at Fort Sumter on January 2nd. A Federal gun, thought to be a 100 pounder, fired 12 rounds on the city, half of which did not explode.