
Battles in Arkansas - 1862

This list of battles is excerpted from "1800 Days." The battle list is maintained in an Excel spreadsheet. If you are working on creating a "One Man's Story" you may want to download the entire spreadsheet which contains over 5,000 entries. This spreadsheet is available in the Source Documents.?

For those events which contain a ? at the end, the details have not yet been edited into the PMWiki. They are available in TXT format in the Source Documents.

The narrative for each of these battles is excerpted from "All the Battles of the Civil War." These are made available under a Creative Commons Share Alike with Attribution license. You are free to use these articles as long as you attribute the source.

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Retrieved from © Eastern Digital Resources. Used by permission.
Page last modified on July 08, 2013, at 09:47 pm
Event ID #NameDate
BA003778Potts' Hill?Feb. 16, 1862
BA004479Sugar Creek?Feb. 16-17, 1862
BA000436Bentonville?Feb. 18, 1862
BA004391Spring River?Mar. 13, 1862
BA004527Talbot's Ferry?April 19, 1862
BA000280Batesville?May 3, 1862
BA001570Cotton Plant?May 14, 1862
BA001195Chalk Bluff?May 15, 1862
BA002916Little Red River?May 17, 1862
BA004175Searcy Landing?May 19, 1862
BA001003Calico Rock?May 26, 1862
BA000521Big Indian Creek?May 27, 1862
BA000975Cache River Bridge?May 28, 1862
BA002723Kickapoo Bottom?May 29, 1862
BA004517Sylamore?May 29, 1862
BA002917Little Red River?June 7, 1862
BA004751Village Creek?June 12, 1862
BA004758Waddell's Farm?June 12, 1862
BA004091Saint Charles?June 17, 1862
BA004301Smithville?June 17, 1862
BA002918Little Red River?June 25, 1862
BA004423Stewart's Plantation?June 27, 1862
BA004759Waddell's Farm?June 27, 1862
BA000016Adams' Bluff?July 4, 1862
BA002338Grand Haze?July 4, 1862
BA000004Aberdeen?July 5-6, 1862
BA000318Bayou Cache?July 6, 1862
BA001836Devall's Bluff?July 6, 1862
BA002341Grand Prairie?July 6, 1862
BA002510Hill's Plantation?July 7, 1862
BA005076Round Hill?July 7, 1862
BA004163Scatterville?July 10, 1862
BA000281Batesville?July 14, 1862
BA002058Fayetteville?July 15, 1862
BA002686Jonesboro?Aug. 3, 1862
BA002800L'Anguille Ferry?Aug. 3, 1862
BA001344Clarendon Expedition?Aug. 4-17, 1862
BA002483Helena?Aug. 11-14, 1862
BA004092Saint Charles?Sept. 12, 1862
BA002482Helena?Sept. 19-20, 1862
BA002484Helena?Oct. 11, 1862
BA001640Cross Hollow?Oct. 18, 1862
BA000385Beattie's Prairie?Oct. 22, 1862
BA003678Pitman's Ferry?Oct. 27, 1862
BA003521Oxford Bend?Oct. 28, 1862
BA000704Boonesboro?Nov. 7, 1862
BA003920Rhea's Mills?Nov. 7, 1862
BA001582Cove Creek?Nov. 8, 1862
BA002776La Grange?Nov. 8, 1862
BA003046Marianna?Nov. 8, 1862
BA000720Boston Mountains?Nov. 9, 1862
BA001051Cane Hill?Nov. 9, 1862
BA001112Carthage?Nov. 21, 1862
BA001022Camp Babcock?Nov. 25, 1862
BA001052Cane Hill?Nov. 25, 1862
BA003679Pitman's Ferry?Nov. 25. 1862
BA000705Boonesboro?Nov. 28, 1862
BA001053Cane Hill?Nov. 28, 1862
BA002143Fort Davis?Dec. 1, 1862
BA002485Helena?Dec. 5, 1862
BA003908Reed's Mountain?Dec. 6, 1862
BA002059Fayetteville?Dec. 7, 1862
BA002592Illinois Creek?Dec. 7, 1862
BA003793Prairie Grove?Dec. 7, 1862
BA002486Helena?Dec. 14. 1862
BA004097Saint Francis Road?Dec. 23, 1862
BA001908Dripping Springs?Dec. 28, 1862
BA004706Van Buren?Dec. 28, 1862

This battle list is excerpted from "1800 Days."