
Mocassin Swamp, NC

Apr. 10, 1865

Event ID # ba003177

Federal Troops Engaged: 1st Brigade,1st Division, 20th Army Corps. Confederate Troops Engaged: Georgia Phillips Legion Cavalry

On this date the corps took up the march from Goldsboro toward Smithfield, with Selfridge's brigade in ad vance. About a mile east of Moccasin swamp the Confederates's cavalry was met, while several hundred of the Confederates were concealed in the dense thickets on either side of the road, from which position they kept up a galling fire on the Union lines. The bridges had been destroyed, which made the progress of the army slow and kept the main body under fire. Winegar's N. Y. battery was brought forward and threw a few shells into the woods, and Selfridge pushed for ward the 123rd N. Y. infantry, under Col. J. C. Rogers, as skirmishers, closely supporting the skirmish line with the rest of the brigade.

Rogers' men steadily advanced, forcing the Confederates back across the swamp, where the brigade formed in line of battle and drove the Confederates about a mile and a half, when Selfridge was ordered to encamp for the night. The Union loss was 1 man killed and 3 wounded. The Confederate loss was not learned.