
Tunnel Hill, GA

January 28, 1864

The small town of Tunnel Hill was the sight of several skirmishes and battles from September 1863 to March 1865.

 On September 11, 1863, just days before the Battle of Chickamauga, the first skirmish in Tunnel Hill took place. After the fight of Chickamauga, many sick and wounded were brought to Tunnel Hill, including Confederate General John Bell Hood. While there , his leg was amputated and buried in the woods nearby.

 The second conflict took place on November, 1863. After Bragg's defeat at Missionary Ridge, his army was in retreat to Dalton. As his army was passing through, a rear guard set up positions in Ringgold Gap where the Confederates delayed the Federals for several hours before withdrawing. On November 28th, the Confederates who had retired to Tunnel Hill found themselves under an aggressive attack. They were able to hold their positions and have Federals retire to Ringgold.

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 The third skirmish occurred on January 28th, 1864, when a strong body of Infantry from the US Fourteenth Army Corps was advancing from Ringgold met up with Confederate outposts. driving them to Tunnel Hill, The Federals got close enough to see it still was in control of the Confederates before retiring. Union losses were two wounded, with 32 wounded for the Confederates.

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 As Sherman began the Atlanta Campaign, Yankee soldiers reached Tunnel Hill February 23, 1864. Sherman took over the Clisby Austin House from May 7th to May 12th that same year. Legend says he slept in the same bed previously occupied by the wounded Confederate General Hood.