
Terman's Ferry, Kentucky

January. 6. 1864

Event ID # BA 004554

Federal Troops Engaged: Detachment of 14th Kentucky Infantry.

Confederate Troops Engaged: Col. Ferguson's Regiment. (16th Virginia Cavalry).

NOTE: One report states this was spelled Turman's Ferry, the Federal unit was the 39th Kentucky Infantry and occurred on January 9th, 1864. Both accounts agree on the other details.

Confederate Col. Milton J.Ferguson? with 150 men of his regiment attacked 75 Federals under Capt. King while the latter were encamped for the night in a schoolhouse near Terman's ferry on the Sandy river. Awakened from their sleep, the Kentuckians flee in panic, running barefoot into the snow and sub-zero weather. Fourteen are killed or wounded in the attack and many others suffer frostbite.

One Federal lieutenant was killed and another and 8 men were captured.