
Moscow, Tennessee

Dec. 27, 1863

Event ID # BA003256

Federal Troops Engaged:9th Illinois Cavalry.
Confederate Troops Engaged: Forrest's Cavalry

During the Confederate advance from La Fayette, Maj. Henry B. Burgh with the 9th Illinois was ordered out from La Grange and about a mile and a half from Moscow encountered a Confederate force which he engaged and drove back to La Fayette. No casualties were reported.

LAGRANGE, Tennessee, December 27, 1863.

Maj. Gen. S. A. HURLBUT, Memphis, Tennessee:

One of Seventh Illinois escaped from Forrest at Somerville last night and arrived at Moscow this morning. Reports the enemy left Somerville just before he escaped and moved west. I have sent for the man and will get further information and let you know more.

B. H. GRIERSON, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 517.


LaGrange, Tennessee, December 27, 1863.

Maj. COON, Cmdg. Cavalry, Grand Junction:


The telegraph will not work to Corinth. Patrols in from New Castle report seeing 25 rebels near there; think there was a large force. Dispatch from Moscow about an hour and a half ago states that the Ninth Illinois met the enemy 11/2 miles west of Moscow, skirmished, and drove them. The enemy retreated south. You will send re-enforcements to the road crossing the railroad east of you, and keep your patrols running.

If nothing occurs will send your train to you in the morning. We were about to send you southwest to intercept the enemy, but think it best to hold you at Grand Junction since the news from New Castle. Keep vigilant and if you hear any firing send a force and pitch into it. Communicate by return courier any information you may have. Mower should have been to Grand Junction by this time; will probably arrive soon.

B. H. GRIERSON, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 514-515.

December 27, 1863 Skirmish at La Fayette

Report of Lieut. Col. Jefferson Brumback, Ninety-fifth Ohio Infantry, of skirmishes at La Fayette and Collierville, Tenn. (27th).


Camp at Collierville, Tenn.,

December 28, 1863.


I have the honor to report that yesterday the enemy, under command of Forrest, having crossed the Wolf Creek at La Fayette, approached this place, driving before them a few cavalry that had been sent out to oppose their advance and watch their movements. About dark they engaged and drove in my pickets, after a sharp skirmish. A few shots were fired by the guns in the fort. During the night the enemy attacked one of my picket posts, when a few shots were exchanged between parties. Beyond this, all remained quiet during the night, which was very dark, and in the morning the enemy had disappeared.

The casualties in my regiment are, 2 men missing, Corpl. George W. Corbin, and Private Barton Durant. Both were probably captured by mistaking, while falling back from the picket post in the darkness, rebel cavalry for our own.

I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. BRUMBACK, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. Regt.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 614.