
Madisonville, Louisiana

Jan. 3-7, 1864

Event ID # BA 003020

Federal Troops Engaged: Expeditionary forces.

The occupation of Madisonville, on the north shore of Lake Pontchar train, was for the purpose of obtaining supplies for the army at New Orleans. The expedition left that city on Jan. 3, under command of Col. W. W. Kimball, of the 12th Me., and consisted of de tachments of the 9th Conn, and 12th Me. infantry, some convales cents of the 13th army corps, Squadron D, 2nd Louisiana cavalry, Bat tery A, 1st U. S. artillery, 4 guns of the 15th Mass. battery, and the gunboat Commodoreabout 1,000 men in all. Upon the occu pation of Madisonville scouts and patrols were sent out on the various roads, some skirmishing occurred, but the Confederates was no where found in force and offered but slight resistance to the move ment. Fort Sumner, N. Mex., Jan. 4, 1864 Event ID # BA 002205 Federal Troops Engaged:

 Company B, 2nd California.

Apaches, and citizens; fight with the Navajo Indians.