
Catlett's Gap, Ga.

Sept. 14-18, 1863

Event ID # BA001134

Federal Troops Engaged: 4th Division, 14th Army Corps.

Pigeon Mountain is a rugged spur of Lookout Mountain, extending in a northeasterly direction into Walker County. The space between it and Lookout Mountain is McLemore's Cove. During the war, wagon roads passed from east to west through the mountain in a series of natural gaps. These gaps, located from north to south, were called Worthens' Gap, Catlett's Gap, Dug Gap, and Blue Bird Gap. During the Confederate withdrawal from Chattanooga, it became apparent that Pigeon Mountain would have strategic value by providing a second barrier to Federal forces coming over Lookout Mountain. This being the case, provisions were made to block and defend the gaps.

A wartime road passed through Catlett's Gap in Pigeon Mountain. It continued from Cooper's Gap off of Lookout Mountain on the west to the Catlett community in the Chestnut Flats area on the western side of Walker County. This gap was much used in troop movements in the events leading up to the Battle of Chickamauga.

On September 8, 1863 Confederate cavalry from General William T. Martin's command started the job of blocking the gaps, using large rocks and cutting down trees across the road. The next day, General Patrick Cleburne's infantrymen, from General Daniel H. Hill's Corps, strengthened the positions by digging rifle pits and building breastworks. The infantry remained in the gap until September 17, when they were relieved by cavalrymen: from Joseph Wheeler's command. The defenses of the gaps were so strong that the Federal forces never breached them during the campaign.

At 4:30 a.m. on September 10, General Daniel H. Hill received orders from General Braxton Bragg concerning the joint movement of his forces with those of General Thomas Hindman against the Federals at Davis Crossroads. At this late date he realized that the time factor made the plan impractical and responded with a message to Bragg explaining why he could not comply with the orders. General Cleburne, Hill explained, had overexerted himself on the retreat from Tyner, and had been sick in bed. Furthermore, Cleburne's command was widely scattered. Two thirds of the division was in LaFayette and the other brigade, commanded by General S.A.M. Wood, was picketing Catlett's, Dug, and Blue Bird Gaps. Lastly, it would take hours to clear away the obstructions in Dug Gap placed there earlier by the Confederate cavalrymen. Bragg accepted these excuses, and modified his plan by ordering General Simon Buckner to march his corps to the defense of Hindman.

General Bragg proved unable to coordinate the planned attack on Davis Crossroads, and nothing of substance came from it. Catlett's Gap was then occupied by Confederate division Major-General John C. Breckinridge. Union Gen. George H. Thomas, commanding the 14th corps, was maneuvering for position and sending out reconnaissances to develop the Confederate's strength. On the 14th Gen. Turchin, commanding the 3d brigade, 4th division, sent the 97th Ill. mounted infantry on a reconnaissance to Catlett's gap.

The regiment met with some opposition from the Confederate pickets all the way from Chickamauga creek to the mouth of the gap, where the reserve was found drawn up and a long line of skirmishers deployed to the right of the road. Turchin's orders were to avoid bringing on an engagement and the regiment was withdrawn.

On the 16th another reconnaissance was made and Cleburne's division (Con federate) was found posted in the road with a battery of artillery in position. The next day Gen. Reynolds, commanding the 4th division, sent. Co. E, 92nd Illinois, from the camp at Pond Spring to open communication with Turchin's brigade. This company skirmished with the enemy, losing 1 man killed, 1 wounded, and 1 missing. Gen. Wheeler, in his report for this date, mentions a fight of several hours, in which he drove the Federals back some distance, developing too large a force to attack, etc. This was probably the skirmish with the company above mentioned, and which was a slight affair. Turchin was relieved at the gap on the 17th and the following day the entire corps moved along Chickamauga creek to Crawfish Spring, and during the night took up a position at Kelly's farm, where it remained until the beginning of the battle of Chickamauga on the 19th.

"At daylight of the 18th," General Breckinridge, in D. H. Hill's Corps, wrote, "my command moved from Catlett's Gap and that neighborhood in the Pigeon Mountain, and the same afternoon took position on the east bank of the Chickamauga, near Glass's Mill, and composed the extreme left of the infantry of the army." This ended campaign activities at Catlett's Gap.

From the Official Records:

September 14.-General Reynolds took up a position at Pond Spring with his two infantry brigades, and was joined by Wilder at that place. Turchin's brigade, of Reynolds' division, made a reconnaissance to the mouth of Catlett's Gap with the Ninety-second Illinois [mounted infantry]. Was opposed by rebel mounted pickets from Chickamauga Creek to mouth of Catlett's Gap, at which place he found their reserve drawn up, also a strong line of skirmishers to the right of the road; but having received instructions to avoid bringing on an engagement, he returned to camp with the brigade, leaving two regiments on Chattanooga Valley road, strongly posted on outposts. General Brannan advanced one brigade of his division to Chickamauga Creek, east of Lee's Mill, 1 mile to the right and south of Reynolds' position at Pond Spring. A mounted reconnaissance was also pushed forward to within a mile of Blue Bird Gap without encountering any of the enemy. A negro who had been taken before General Buckner yesterday and released again reports that Buckner and his corps are in Catlett's Gap preparing to defend that place. A negro woman, lately from the neighborhood of Dug Gap, reports a large force of rebels between Dug Gap and La Fayette.
REF: OR Series I Volume XXX Part I Page 248 of 1000 - Chickamauga