Historical Notes:
The 6th North Carolina Cavalry regiment was officially organized by the consolidation of the 5th and 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalions on August 3, 1863 under terms of special order 183, paragraph 16, from the Confederate Adjutant and Inspector General's Office. An error in this order designated the unit the 66th North Carolina State Troops, and it was referred to as such until the error was noticed and corrected in late 1863 by Confederate officials, though it was properly numbered by the North Carolina Adjutant General. Another matter of confusion was that companies were not redesignated until early 1864, and for several months there were two company As, two company Bs, etc.
• George Nathaniel Folk - Colonel
• Alfred Hunter Baird - Lieutenant Colonel
• Thaddeus P. Siler - Major
• J. J. Spann - Major
• Martin B. Moore, Quartermaster Assignments:
Details are quite sketchy for the 5th Cavalry Battalion and the 6th Cavalry Regiment. Existing records indicate that they were involved in a number of skirmishes in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky, but specifics are not given.
The 6th regiment fought at Chickamauga, then with other troops in Dibrell’s Brigade gave support to Longstreet at Knoxville. It was then assigned to the Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia. Under this command it saw action at New Bern, near Kinston, and along the Roanoke River. It was organized with 520 men and during February, 1864, had 273 present for duty. Attached to Butler’s Cavalry Division, the unit disbanded near Salisbury in April, 1865.
Roanoke River
The Carolina’s Campaign Rosters:
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1595 men.
Company A, was formerly Company F, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion, and has the distinction of being the only regular Confederate Army unit from Johnson County, Tennessee. Captain Barton Roby Brown recruited this company.
Company B was from Ashe County, North Carolina, It was formerly Company D, 5th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion.
Company C, formerly Company D, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion, was consolidated with the Artillery Company attached to the 7th Battalion.
Company D was formerly Company E, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion.
Company E was formerly Company A, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion.
Company F was formerly Company B, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. This company was from Clay County on the Georgia border.
Company G was the artillery company attached to the 7th Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company while serving in the 6th is for the period June 30, 1863 to December 31, 1863 and lists 43 men.
Company G, 2nd Organization was formerly Company C, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion.
Company H was formerly Company C, 5th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion.
Company I was formerly Company A, 5th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion.
Company K was formerly Company B, 5th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion.