Historical Notes:
The North Carolina 58th Infantry Regiment was organized in Mitchell County, North Carolina, in July, 1862. Its twelve companies were recruited in the counties of Mitchell, Yancey, Watauga, Caldwell, McDowell, and Ashe. In September it moved to Cumberland Gap and spent the winter of 1862-1863 at Big Creek Gap, near Jacksboro, Tennessee. The 58th participated in the campaigns of the Army of Tennessee from Chickamauga to Atlanta
, guarded prisoners at Columbia, Tennessee, during Hood's operations, then moved to South Carolina and skirmished along the Edisto River. Later it returned to North Carolina and saw action at Bentonville . It
lost 46 killed and 114 wounded at Chickamauga, totalled 327 men and 186 arms in December, 1863, and took about 300 effectives to Bentonville. The unit was included in the surrender on April 26, 1865.
• John B. Palmer
Lieutenant Colonels:
• Thomas J. Dula
• John C. Keener
• Edmund Kirby
• William W. Proffitt
• Samuel M. Silver
• Alfred T. Stewart
• B. T. Perry
• Edmund Kreley
Assistant Quartermaster:
• E. J. Bearden
• W. H. Harris
• W. A. Collett
Assistant Surgeons:
• T. J. Mitchell
• Q. M. Lewis
• Alonzo White,
• John W. Robey
Sergeants Major:
• Harrison Herndon
• L. D. Cuffey
Quartermaster Sergeants:
• James Conley
• John W. Meadows
Ordnance Sergeant:
• John A. Hensley
Drum Major:
• H. Esleg
Chief Musician:
• John C. Blair
Hospital Steward:
• James M. Riddle Assignments:
Kelly's, Reynolds', Brown's and Reynolds' Consolidated, and Palmer's Brigade.
In the late summer of 1863, the 58th NCT was assigned to Colonel John Kelly’s Brigade, General William Preston’s Division, General Simon Buckner’s Corp, Army of Tennessee. The brigade of which the 58th NCT was part was later commanded by General Alexander Reynolds and was assigned to Buckner’s Division, Hardee’s Corp, Army of Tennessee. Battles:
Missionary Ridge
Rocky Face Ridge
New Hope Church
Kennesaw Mountain
Kolbs Farm
Bentonville Rosters:
The roster of this unit contains the names of 2782 men.
Company A - Mitchell Co.; Organized 6/10/62
Company B - Yancy Co.; Organized 5/17/62
Company C - Yancy Co.; Organized 5/29/62
Company D - Watauga Co.; Organized 6/27/62
Company E - Caldwell Co.; Organized 7/29/62
Company F - McDowell Co.; Organized 7/14/62
Company G - Yancy Co.; Organized 7/11/62
Company H - Caldwell Co.; Organized 3/15/62
Company I - Watauga Co.; Organized 7/15/62
Company K - Mitchell Co.; Organized 5/17/62
Company L - Ashe Co.; Organized 7/20/62
Company M - Ashe Co. and Watauga Co.;Organized 9/26/62 (This company merged with Company G in 1863.) Bibliography for Research: