Georgia 52nd Infantry Regiment

The 52nd Infantry Regiment served entirely in the west. They would be an interesting regiment to research since they followed an unusual path through the war. My book on "The Boys of the Fifth" shows some of the same battles at Vicksburg, Tennessee, etc., but like most regiments, the "Fifth" participated in Chickamauga, and the Atlanta campaign.
The 52nd was organized on 16 MAY 1862. It surrendered at Vicksburg, Warren County, Mississippi on 4 JUL 1863 and was paroled at Vicksburg later that same month. Declared exchanged on 12 SEP 1863.
According to Sifakis, they were surrendered by General Joseph E. Johnston at Durham Station, Orange county, North Carolina on 26 APR 1865, but Crute states that they were detailed to protect a wagon train at Columbus, Mississippi on 23 FEB 1865 and were surrendered on 4 MAY 1865. Actually, both sources are correct. The majority of the 52nd was with Johnston in the Carolinas, and they were surrendered by him on April 26th. However, a significant number were detached to guard the wagon train in Columbus, Mississippi after the battle of Nashville. They remained separated from the rest of the regiment for the duration of the war. Apparently these were volunteers for this duty, because nearly every company was represented in this detachment. Or maybe the company commanders would have selected the men to serve in this detachment.


First Commander: Wier Boyd, Colonel
Rufus R. Asbury, Lt. Col.
James J. Findley, Maj.
John J. Moore, Maj.
Charles D. Phillips, Lt. Col., Col.
Solomon H. Van Diviere, Lt. Col.

Leadbetter's Brigade, Dept of East Tennessee (April-May 1862) Barton's Brigade, Dept of East Tennessee (May-July 1862) Barton's Brigade, Stevenson's Division, Dept of East Tennessee (July-December 1862) Barton's Brigade, 2nd Military District, Dept of Mississippi and East Louisiana (December 1862- January 1863) Barton's Brigade, Stevenson's Division, 2nd Military District, Dept of Mississippi and East Louisiana (January - April 1863) Barton's Brigade, Stevenson's Division, Dept of Mississippi and East Louisiana (April-July 1863) Barton's-Gardner's Brigade, Stevenson's Division, Army of Tennessee (October-November 1863) Gardner's-Stovall's Brigade, Stewart's-Clayton's Division, 2nd Corps, Army of Tennessee (November 1863 - April 1865)
Cumberland Gap(June 17-18, 1862)
Chickasaw Bayou(December 27-29, 1862)
Champion Hill(May 16, 1863)
Big Black River Bridge
This is per statement of various soldiers who signed a "Reunion Book" in Franklin Co.,GA (ca.1899) In General Carter Stevenson's report of the battle, he stated that his division was NOT involved in the battle, which occured on the east bank of the river. The 52nd was, however, on the West bank of the river covering the retreat of the forces who had been fighting in the entrenchments on the eastern side.
Vicksburg Siege(May-July, 1863)
Chattanooga Siege(Sept-Nov 1863)
Chattanooga(November 23-25, 1863)
Atlanta Campaign(May-Sept, 1864)
Rocky Face Ridge(May 5-11, 1864)
Resaca(May 14-15, 1864)
New Hope Church(May25-June4,
1864) Dallas(June25-27, 1864)
Kennesaw Mountain(June 27, 1864)
Peach Tree Creek(July 20, 1864)
Atlanta(July 22, 1864)
Ezra Church(July 28, 1864)
Atlanta Siege(July-Sept 1864)
Jonesboro(August 31 -Sept 1, 1864)
Franklin(November 30, 1864)
Nashville(December 15-16, 1864)
Carolinas Campaign(Feb-April 1865)
Edisto Railroad Bridge(Feb 7, 1865)
Binnaker's Bridge(Feb 9, 1865)
Orangeburg(Feb 12, 1865)
Bentonville(March 19-21, 1865)



Sifakis - Compendium of the Confederate Armies
Crute - Units of the Confederate States Army
Email from Ricky Ray - Anderson, SC

For Additional Research