Pool, William R.-Captain July 15,186l. Resigned April 5,1862 . Linder, John-1st Lieutenant July 151861 . Resigned February 29, 1862 . Johnson, Michael-2d Lieutenant July 15,1861 . Resigned on account of ill health September 10,1861 . Knox, William-Jr.2d Lieutenant July 15,1861 .Resigned October 17,1861 . Jackson, Thomas H.- 1st Sergeant July 15, 1861 . Elected 1st Lieutenant February 29, 1862 ; Captain April 25, 1862 . Captured at Fort Harrison, Va. September 29,1864 . Released June 17, 1865 . (Born in Hart County, Ga. January 9,1837.) Fisher, Thomas-2d Sergeant July 15, 1861 . Elected Jr. 2d Lieutenant July 29,1862 . Wounded, left leg permanently dis- abled, at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2,1863 . Retired on account af wounds April 20,1864 . (Barn July 20,1837. Died in 1917.) Shirley, Joel M.-3d Sergeant July 15,1861 . Captured at Gettys- burg, Pa. July 3,1863 . Enlisted in U. S. Army at Point Lookout, Md. October 15,1864 . Burroughs, Fred W. A.-4th Sergeant July 15,1861 . Elected Jr 2d Lieutenant November 1,1861 . Died in Franklin County, Ga. July 19,1862 . Roe, Samuel L.- 1st Corporal July 15,1861 . Killed at Petersburg, Va. June 20,1864 . Ayres, John W.(or Ayers)-2d Corporal July 15,1861 . Died in Richmond, Va. hospital December 10,1861 . Buried there in Hollywood Cemetery. Shirley, J. D.-3d Corporal July 15,1861 . Died of fever at Richmond, Va. May 25,1862 . Arnam; private July 15,1861 . Died at Richmond, Va. July 3, 1862 . Buried there in Hollywood Cemetery. Askew, Marshall- private July 15,1861 . Discharged, disability, July 17,1862 . Bailey, J. A.- private March 4,1862 . Appointed 1st Corporal June 20,1864 . Deserted February 26,1865 . Bailey, Paschal- private July 15,1861 . Wounded and captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2,1863 . Appears last on roll for August 1863 . Bailey, William- private July 15,1861 . Elected Jr.2d Lieuten- ant October 1861 ; Ist Lieutenant April 25,1862 . Died of disease in Jackson Hospital at Richmond, Va. September 16,1864 . Buried there in Hollywood Cemetery. Bailey, W. J.- private March 1, 1863 . Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. April 9,1865 . Bowers, Noah W.- private July 15, 1861 . Died at Manassas, Va. March 4,1862 . Brown, A. Ruffin- private July 15, 1861 . Wounded in right leg at 2d Manassas, Va. August 30, 1862 . Captured and paroled at Warrenton, Va. September 29, 1862 . Right leg amputated in 1862 . (Resident of Georgia since October 26,1886.) Brown, James C.- private March 4,1862 . Appointed 4th Sergeant April 1862 . Captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2,1863 . Exchanged. Captured at Farmville, Va. April 6, 1865 . (Born in North Caro- lina in 1833.) Brown, S. C.- private March 4,1862 . Died of fever at Richmond, Va. May 7,1862 . Buffington, J. W.- private July 15, 1861 . Appointed Corporal; 2d Sergeant in 1862 . Deserted February 26, 1865 . Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. and sent north April 1865 . Buffington, W. W.- private March 4,1862 . Died of fever at Rich- mond, Va. May 25,1862 . Buried there in Hollywood Cemetery. Burke, F. M.- private July 15,' 1861 . Died at Richmond, Va. August 18,1862 .' Buried there in Hollywood Cemetery. Burton, Joseph J.- private July 13,1861 . Died of typhoid fever at Richmond, Va. September 9,1861 . Byrom, Samuel D. (or Byron)- private July 15, 1861 . Captured in 1863 . Paroled in 1863 . Died in Bristol, Tenn. hospital April 20,1864 . Carpenter, Thomas- private August 22,1862 . Substitute. Carroll, A. J.- private July 15, 1861 . Left sick in Maryland September 15, 1862 . Died of pneumonia in General Hospital #20, in Maryland, May 13,1863 . Carroll, Clement- private July 15,.1861 . Discharged August 10, 1864 . Carroll, G. W.- private July 15,1861 . Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. April 9,1865 . Carroll, Larkin- private July 15,1861 . Captured at Middletown, Va. July 7, 1863 . Enlisted in U. S. service at Fort Delaware, Del. September 18,1863 . Carroll, Nelson- private July 15, 1861 . Captured and paroled at Hartwell, Ga. May 19,1865 . Carroll; Thomas- private July 23, 1861 . Died with fever at Richmond, Va. May 18,1862 . Eskew, Samuel- private July 15, 1861 . Discharged on account of rheumatism at Camp Georgia near Manassas, Va. December 10, 1861 . Estes, J. W.- private July 15, 1861 . Discharged on account of rheumatism, at Camp Steiner near Centreville, Va., November 10;1861 . Fain, James- private May 1863 . Killed at Farmville, Va. April 6,1865 . Fisher, H. L.- private July 15, 1861 . Captured at Gettysburg, a. July 3,1863 . Died at Point Lookout, Md. January 27,1864 . Fleming, Leonard H. L.- private July 15, 1861 . Died in Rich- mond, Va. hospital November 2,1861 . Fleming, Thomas- private July 15,1861 . Died of typhoid fever at Manassas, Va. September 13,1861 . Fuller, Milton- private August 22, 1862 . Severely wounded in head at Petersburg, Va. June 19, 1864 . Absent without leave, at home, February 25, 1865 . No later record. (Resident of Georgia since October 26,1886.) Gables, H. F.- private July 15, 1861 . Captured at Farmville, Va. April 6,1865 . Released at Newport News, Va. June 25,1865 . Grubbs, G. W.- private April 15, 1862 . Killed at 2d Manassas, Va. August 28,1862 . Grubbs, W. M.- private July 15,1861 . Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. April 9,1865 . Guest, J P.- private March 4,1862 . Died in Richmond, Va. hospi- tal April 1,1863 . Guest, Spencer- private February 27,1863 . Deserted at Petersburg, Va. July 13,1864 . . Gulley, J. W. (or Gully)- private March 4,1862 . Killed in 1863 . Gulley, W. F. (or Gully)- private March 4, 1862 . Died of fever at Richmond, Va. June 22,1862 . Hall, G. W.- private March 4, 1862 . Died of fever at Richmond, Va. June 9,1862 . Hall, W. M- private July 15,1861 . Died at Richmond, Va. August 1,1862 . Harris, H.- private July 15, 1861 . Died at Richmond Va. September 26,1862 . Buried there in Hollywood Cemetery. Harris, W. P - private July 15,1861 . Died of fever at Richmond, Va. June 25,1862 . Harrison, E. A.- private July 15, 1861 . Killed at Darbytown, Road, Va. October 7,1864 . Henley, James E.- private July 15, 1861 . Wounded and cap- tured in 1864 . Roll for February 28, 1865 , last on file, shows him absent without leave. No later record. Higgins, C. James A.- private March 4, 1862 . Died of typhoid fever in Chimborazo hospital #3, at Richmond, Va. May 3,1862 . Holland, B. F.- private July 15, 1861 . Discharged, disability, February 20,1862 . Holland, John T- private July 15, 1861 . Captured at Gettys- burg, Pa. July 3, 1863 . Paroled at Point Lookout, Md. February 18, 1865 . Received at Boulware & Cox's Wharves, James River, Va. for exchange, February 20-21, 1865 . No later record. (Born in Georgia.) Hunt, W. J. C.- private July 15,1861 . Discharged, disability, March 27,1863 . Jackson, Joseph- private March 4, 1862 . Wounded in 1864 . Sur- rendered, Appomattox, Va. April 9,1865 . Jordan, Aaron- private March 4,1862 . Severely wounded in arm in Virginia June 4,1864 . Absent without leave, at home, February 28,1865 . No later record. Laird, J. P.- private March 1,1863 . Killed at Chickamauga, Ga. September 19,1863 . Linder, Lee- private July 15,1861 . Transferred to Co. A, Rut- ledge Mounted Riflemen and Horse Artillery (subsequently Co. B,7th Regiment South Carolina Vol. Cavalry), October 29,1863 . In General Hospital at Greensboro, N. C. April 28,1865 . Lucroy, Jesse M.- private July 15,1861 . Killed at Sharpsburg, Md. September 17,1862 . Madden, J. T.- private July 15,1861 . Killed at Sharpsburg, Md. September 17,1862 . Moore, R. F.- private March 1,1863 . Wounded in 1864 . Sur- rendered, Appomattox, Va. April 9,1865 . Obarr, J. Hezekiah (or O'Barr)- private March 1, 1863 . Cap- tured at Carrsville, Va. May 1863 . Paroled at Fortress Monroe, Va. May 13,1863 . Exchanged at City Point, Va. May 23,1863 . Died of chronic diarrhoea in General Hospital at Lynchburg, Va., July 3,1863 . Buried there in Confederate Cemetery. No 6,1st Line, Lot 192- Miller's. Obarr, Whitner (or O'Barr)- private July 15,1861 .Wounded at Sharpsburg, Md. September 17,1862 . Captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2,1863 . Exchanged. Killed at Wilderness, Va. May 6,1864 . Pearman, C. C.- private July 15,1861 . Captured at Gettysburg, a. July 2, 1863 . Forwarded from Fort Delaware, Del. to Point Lookout, Md. October 20,1863 . Died in General Hospital at Point Lookout, Md. December 20,1863 . Pearman, Weldon C.- private March 4,1862 . Died of typhoid fever in Petersburg, Va. hospital April 13,1863 . Price, Laneston H.- private March 4,1862 . Died of fever at Richmond, Va. May 10,1862 . Pruitt, W. H.- private March 10, 1864 . Absent without leave, at home, February 28,1865 . No later record. Richardson, J. M.- private July 15,1861 . Discharged, disability, November 9,1861 . Robertson, G. C.- private July 15,186l. Discharged at Rich- mond, Va. December 24,1861 . Roe, C. W. G.- private July 15,1861 . Killed at Chickamauga, Ga. September 20,1863 . Rowland, William- private July 15, 1861 . Captured at Dan- dridge, Tenn. January 22,1864 . No later record. Rowland, W. H.- private July 15,1861 . Killed at 2d Manassas, Va. August 30,1862 . Shirley, William M.- private July 15,1861 . Died of typhoid fever at Richmond, Va. May 25,1862 . Smith, William- private July 15,1861 . Discharged at Richmond, Va. December 17,1861 . Sullivan, James- private July 15,1861 . Wounded at Sharps- burg, Md. September 17,1862 . Roll for February 28,1865 , last on file, shows him absent without leave. No later record. Thrasher, Clark Tyrrel- private July 15, 1861 . Died in Rich- mond, Va. hospital September 23,1861 . Thrasher, L. H.- private March 4, 1862 . Died of pneumonia at Montgomery Springs, Va. June 5,1863 . Thrasher, T. J.- private July 15,1861 . Wounded at Malvern Hill, Va. July 1,1862 . Retired July 17,1864 . Ussery, Charles E.- Frivate July 15,1861 . Appointed 2d Cor- oral December 10,1861 . Wounded in cheek at Darbytown Road, Va. October 7,1864 . At home on wounded furlough close of war. (Born in Lancaster, S. C. October 30,1841.) Vickery, James Perley- private July 15,1861 . Appointed 4th Corporal in 1862 . Died at Richmond, Va. July 7,1862 . Vickery, James P.- private July 15,1861 . Appointed 1st Ser- geant April 1862 . Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. April 9,1865 . Wade, J. A. C.- private September 13,1863 . Absent without leave, at home, February 28,1865 . No later record. Wade, W G.- private September 17,1862 . Died in Edray, W. Va. hospital May 5,1864 . Walters, B. W.- private July 15,1861 . Discharged at Richmond, Va. November 5,1861 . Walters, Dean W.- private July 15,1861 . Died at Richmond, Va. December 5,1861 . Walters, Franklin- private March 4,1862 . Captured at Gettysburg, a. July 3,1863 . Released at Fort Delaware, Del. June 7,1865 . Walters, Henry Freeman- private March 4,1862 . Discharged, dis- ability, December 26,1862 .(Born in Georgia.) Walters, John F.- private July 15,1861 . Wounded at Wilder- ness, Va. May 6,1864 . Died of wounds in 1854. Walters, Joseph Charles-Frivate July 15,1861 . Roll for February 28,1865 , last on file, shows him Absent without leave, at home. ension records show he left command near Richmond, Va. on sick furlough March 1865 . Unable to return. Died in Hart County, Ga. June 30,1905. Walters, J. G.- private May 1,1862 . Died of fever at Richmond, Va. June 27,1862 . Walters, W. R.- private July 15,1861 . Elected 2d Lieutenant December 4,1862 . Killed at Petersburg, Va. June 19,1864 . White, M. D.- private July 15,1861 . Wounded at Sharpsburg, Md. September 17,1862 . Captured at Greenville, S. C. May 23,1865 . Wright, T. G.- private March 4,1862 . Captured at Gettysburg, a. July 2, 1863 . Exchanged. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. April 9,1865 . Yates, Elihu (or Elisha)-Frivate July 15, 1861 . Deserted at etersburg, Va. July 13,1864 . Yow, Thomas Anderson- private July 15,1861 . Died of typhoid fever in Chimborazo Hospital #4, at Richmond, Va. November 1,1861 .